ALS Data | ALS Documentation | ALS Surveys | NCES Publications about the Academic Libraries |
This page provides links to an archive of information on U.S. academic libraries published by NCES and predecessor agencies. They have been gathered from a variety of sources and, again, not systematically. Maybe semi-systematically. I grabbed everything I saw but one would need time in a serious library to do a systematic collection.
It was (and is) my intent to recompile a longitudinal file of these data similar to what I have done with other datasets including the public library data PLDF3 and PUSUM. I have tried twice but this is a complicated task. My thinking is that while the public library universe does change and these changes are reflected in changes in what data are collected over time, the changes which occur with academics are so rapid that comparability between years is difficult to maintain. I found something similar when I tried to recompile the State Library Agencies (that is, state libraries) data. It is my belief that a longitudinal file of data on academic libraries would be of great use in analyzing the trends affecting these institutions. But, that project is…difficult.
Publications here come from (current) the Academic Libraries Survey (ALS) data and documentation from the US National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). In addition, the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) also had data from the earlier Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) going back to the 1970s. A number of these publications are no longer available from NCES nor from the ICPSR as nearly as I can determine. Many people have contributed to collecting these fugitive documents. For instance, the 1990 ED Tabs was scanned and made available by Denise Davis when she was at the then ALA Office for Research and Statistics. Others are mentioned in the Archive's main page. Also, we owe the many librarians who worked on the surveys as well as employees at NCES—over many years—thanks for their work in creating doing the studies as well as providing me digital copies of the older publications.
According to the introduction to the documentation for the 2002 ALS data file (p. 1), the following are the dates of collection for the Academic Libraries Survey:
The Academic Libraries Survey (ALS) data have been collected by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) since 1966. Between 1966 and 1988, data on academic libraries were collected the following years: 1968-69, 1971-72, 1973-74, 1975-76, 1977-78, 1979-80, 1982-83, 1985-86 within the framework of the Higher Education General Information System (HEGIS). Beginning in 1988, the library survey was collected biennially in even-numbered years: 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, and 1998 as part of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Beginning in 2000, the ALS data collection was conducted independently of IPEDS by the NCES library program.
The home page of the NCES Library Statistics Program is:
Given that the academic library data are now subsumed in the Integrated Postsecondary Education System how does one find data on academic libraries since 2012? The IPEDS Website is at and likely the link to Use the Data where one can see a host of choices. There is much material about the System, its organization, and its history. Using the data can be complex depending on what is being sought.
This site has publications for academic libraries through the FY 2012 (the latest) ALS survey. The documentation for this survey does not have such a comprehensive history of the early collection of data from this library universe quoted above. The history above makes it clear that although there are publications here which are not available on the NCES site, there are many more missing and, hence, there is work to do.
What is available here is what I have collected from various sources. I have left space for those publications (including data files) which I have identified but that appear to be missing in the ALS years. The HEGIS data appear to have been made available for several years at a time so knowing which datasets are available will take further work. Of course, the data for the early years may, or may not, have been available electronically although ICPSR had an edition of the data as early as 1970-71. In any case, any missing data will be welcome.
ASCII files need a documented record layout to read. For the HEGIS data, there were four files from ICPSR: rl2120.excel.gz, rl2118.excel.gz, rl2116.excel.gz, rl2113.excel.gz. I unzipped each of them and they then had a .excel extension. I renamed each to .xls but was able to read only rl2113 and it is available here as rl2113.xls. This is a most interesting file as it seems to have record layouts for a number of years’ data. However, there are more years listed than appear in the documentation quoted above. They are: 1966-1986. Deciphering these files will take a bit more detective work as will finding the missing data and converting them to usable form. Any help is welcome. Until then, the filenames are as they were when I received them.
I have tried to keep filenames as NCES had them but the dates the data were collected are very different from when they are published and, too, there is inconsistency in NCES file naming. So, filenames have been altered in some cases for clarity but the tables below have the original file names for the files I have renamed here. For example, when work began on this project in 2007, the FY 1996 data were not available but the FY 1994 data were. At a later time, the 1996 data were available but the 1994 data are not. I infer that the 1996 data were reissued in 2008 because of the characteristic NCES file name: 2008318. The unsuspecting might think that this file had information on the 2008 data so the documentation has been renamed to ALS1996doc.pdf, however in the bibliographic tables below, the current file name is referenced. I regard these changes as instructive and a reminder why we should archive our data and not rely on the kindness of strangers, as the saying goes
NCES also varies its scheme for numbering its publications sometimes preferring dashes (2001-301) and sometimes not (200036). I have not found any ambiguity in these differences. NCES also seems to number publications sequentially by year. Here I have followed NCES practice as shown on the publications bibliographic table below. Before 1999, the years were named with two-digit years: (98-062) while in 1999 they added the two extra digits for the century (1999-330).
I like the arrangement that NCES has for its publications here and will likely do something similar. However, as of today, the code makes the W3C Validator unhappy. So that is on the to-do list
As mentioned, this collection began when I was at the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. Eventually, all the files I collected were published by NCLIS on a set of CDs. Since then, other publications have been taken down and others I could not find at the time of the CD have reappeared. For example, I could not locate the 1994 ALS data at the time but they are available now. The 1996 data were available then but not now. I have included both here. I suspect that NCES might be reissuing the 1996 data at which time I will update this pages.
Type of file | Year | Title | File type | File name | File size | Notes |
ALS Data | ||||||
Data | 2012 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2012 SAS program to read ASCII file SPSS program to read ASCII file |
zipped ASCII ASCII ASCII | Read_ALS_2012_P_1_A_sas.txt Read_ALS_2012_P_1_A_sps.txt |
904 KB 38 KB 76 KB |
Contains data from this survey in ALS_2012_imp_suppr_20130745.txt (5.1 MB) 4,176 institutions for FY 2012 |
Data | 2012 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2012 | zipped Access | | 1,095 KB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_2012_imp_suppr_20130724.mdb 4,176 institutions for FY 2012 |
Data | 2010 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2010 SAS program to read ASCII file SPSS program to read ASCII file |
zipped ASCII ASCII ASCII | ALS2010_sas.txt ALS2010_sps.txt |
952 KB 45 KB 32 KB |
Contains data from this survey in ALS_2010_imp_suppr_2012053.txt (5.3 MB) 3,653 institutions for FY 2010. NCES 2010-308 |
Data | 2010 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2010 | zipped Access | | 1,095 KB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_2010_imp_suppr_20120530.mdb 3,653 institutions for FY 2010. NCES 2010-308 |
Data | 2008 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2008 SAS program to read ASCII file SPSS program to read ASCII file |
zipped ASCII ASCII ASCII | ALS2008_sas.txt ALS2008_sps.txt |
732 KB 36 KB 32 KB |
Contains data from this survey in ALS_2008_P1.A.TXT (2.5 MB) 3,653 institutions for FY 2008. NCES 2008-308 |
Data | 2008 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2008 | zipped Access | | 1,115 KB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_2008_P.1.A.mdb (5.3 MB) 3,653 institutions for FY 2008. NCES 2008-308 |
Data | 2006 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2006 SAS program to read ASCII file SPSS program to read ASCII file |
zipped ASCII ASCII ASCII | ALS2006_sas.txt ALS2006_sps.txt |
726 KB 46 KB 35 KB |
Contains data from this survey in ALS_2006_P.1.A.TXT (2.4 MB) 3,653 institutions for FY 2006 NCES 2006-308 |
Data | 2006 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2006 | zipped ACCESS | | 992 KB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_2006_P.1.A.mdb (1.7 MB) 3,653 institutions for FY 2006. NCES 2006-308 |
Data | 2004 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2004 SAS program to read ASCII file SPSS program to read ASCII file |
zipped ASCII ASCII ASCII | ALS2004_sas.txt ALS2004_sps.txt |
673 KB 45 KB 32 KB |
Contains data from this survey in ALS_2004_P.2.A.TXT (2.4 MB) 3,653 institutions for FY 2004. NCES 2006-308 |
Data | 2004 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2004 | zipped ACCESS | | 992 KB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_2004_P.2.A.MDB (5.3 MB) 3,653 institutions for FY 2004. NCES 2006-308 |
Data | 2002 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2002 SAS program to read ASCII file SPSS program to read ASCII file |
zipped ASCII ASCII ASCII | ALS2002_sas.txt ALS2002_sps.txt |
705 KB 46 KB 33 KB |
Contains data from this survey in ALS_2002_P.2.A.TXT (2.3 MB) 3,887 institutions for FY 2002. NCES 2006-308 |
Data | 2002 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2002 | zipped ACCESS | | 5,206 KB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_2002_P.2.A.MDB (5.3 MB) 3,887 institutions for FY 2002. NCES 2006-308 |
Data | 2000 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2000 SAS program to read ASCII file SPSS program to read ASCII file |
zipped ASCII ASCII ASCII | ALS2000_sas.txt ALS2000_sps.txt |
787 KB 50 KB 38 KB |
Contains data from this survey in ALS_2000_P.2.A.TXT (2.6 MB) 3,527 institutions for FY 2000. NCES 2006342 |
Data | 2000 | Academic Libraries Survey Data File: FY 2000 | zipped ACCESS | | 1,216 KB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_2000_P.2.A.MDB (5.5 MB) 3,527 institutions for FY 2000. NCES 2006342 |
Data | 1998 | IPEDS Academic Libraries Survey File | zipped SAS | | 1,095 KB | Contains data from this survey in libfin98.sd2 (5.7 MB) and documentation.PDF (see below) 3,816 institutions for FY 1998. |
Data | 1998 | “ | zipped ASCII | | 1,002 KB | Contains data from this survey in LIBFIN98.DAT (4.6 MB) and documentation.PDF (see below) 3,816 institutions for FY 1998. |
Data | 1998 | “ | zipped Access | | 1,118 KB | Contains data from this survey in libfin98.mdb (4.1 MB) and documentation.PDF (see below) 3,816 institutions for FY 1998. |
Data | 1996 | IPEDS Academic Libraries Survey File | SAS program to read ASCII file | ALS1996_sas.txt | 35 KB | Reads data from ALS_1996_P.1.A.TXT into sas 3,408 observations according the ED Tabs report. |
Data | 1968 | “ | zipped ASCII | | 800 KB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_1996_P.1.A.TX (2.6 MB) 3,408 observations according the ED Tabs report. |
Data | 1996 | “ | zipped Access | | 15 MB | Contains data from this survey in ALS_1996_P.1.A.mdb (66 MB) 3,408 observations according the ED Tabs report. |
Data | 1994 | Academic Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1994 | zipped SAS | | 974 KB | Contains data from this survey in L_fice.sd2 (3.6 MB). Documentation consists of Ipcodes.doc, Methfile.doc, and Varlist.doc (see below) 3,708 institutions for FY 1998. NCES 98-270 |
Data | 1994 | Academic Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1994 | zipped ASCII | | 984 KB | Contains data from this survey in L_fice.txt (4.5 MB). Documentation consists of Ipcodes.doc, Methfile.doc, and Varlist.doc (see below) 3,708 institutions for FY 1998. NCES 98-270 |
Data | 1994 | Academic Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1994 | zipped DBF | | 979 KB | Contains data from this survey in L_fice.dbf (4.6 MB). Documentation consists of Ipcodes.doc, Methfile.doc, and Varlist.doc (see below) 3,708 institutions for FY 1998. NCES 98-270 |
Data | 1992 | Academic Libraries Survey, 1992 | Not available | 3,274 observations according the ED Tabs report. This is the same number as given in the 1990 report. NCES 94032 |
Data | 1990 | Academic Libraries Survey, 1990 | Not available | 3,274 observations according the ED Tabs report. NCES 93045 |
Data | 1988 | Not available | ||||
HEGIS Data | ||||||
Data | 1985-1986 | HEGIS, 1985-1986: College and University Libraries | ASCII | da2120.txt | 11.9 MB | Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) from ICPSR 3,388 observations ICPSR 2120, January 1999 |
Data | 1977-1978 to 1979-1980 |
HEGIS, 1978-1979 through 1979-1980: College and University Libraries | ASCII | da2118.txt | 15.3 MB | Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) from ICPSR 3,190 observations ICPSR 2118, February 1999 |
Data | 1976-1979 | HEGIS, 1976-1977: College and University Libraries | ASCII | da2116.txt | 13.9 MB | Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) from ICPSR 2,985 observations ICPSR 2116, January 1999 |
Data | 1970-1971 to 1971-1972 | HEGIS, 1970-1971 through 1971-1972: College and University Libraries | ASCII | da2113.txt | 7.9 MB | Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) from ICPSR ICPSR 2113, November 1998 |
Type of file | Title | File type | File name | File size | Notes |
Documentation | 2012 Academic Libraries Survey | 2014039.pdf | 1.2 MB | NCES 2011-367 | |
Documentation | 2010 Academic Libraries Survey | ALS2010doc.pdf | 1,263 KB | NCES 2011-367 | |
Documentation | 2008 Academic Libraries Survey | ALS2008doc.pdf | 1,381 KB | NCES 2010-310 | |
Documentation | 2006 Academic Libraries Survey | ALS2006doc.pdf | 574 KB | NCES 2008-348 | |
Documentation | 2004 Academic Libraries Survey | ALS2004doc.pdf | 1,652 KB | NCES2007-343 | |
Documentation | 2002 Academic Libraries Survey | ALS2002doc.pdf | 753 KB | NCES2006-308 | |
Documentation | 2000 Academic Libraries Survey | ALS2000doc.pdf | 678 KB | NCES 2006-342 | |
Documentation | 1998 IPEDS Academic Libraries Survey File | ALS1998doc.pdf | 174 KB | No identifying number. Unpaged. 32 pages of file documentation and 13 pages of the survey form and instructions. |
Documentation | 1996 Academic Libraries Survey File | ALS1996doc.pdf | 907 KB | NCES 2008-318 | |
Documentation | About the 1994 Academic Library Data File | html | About the 1994 Academic Library Data File | 24 KB | NCES 98-270. A bit over one page with information on the files listed immediately below. |
Documentation | Academic Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1994 | Word format | Ipcodes.doc Methfile.doc Varlist.doc |
45 KB 45 KB 75 KB |
HEGIS Documentation | |||||
Documentation | HEGIS, 1985-1986: College and University Libraries | cb2120.pdf Record layout rl2120.excel.gz |
2,804 KB 282 KB |
Documentation | HEGIS, 1978-1979 through 1979-1980: College and University Libraries | cb2118.pdf Record layout rl2118.excel.gz |
1,767 KB 282 KB |
“ICPSR2120Q” This version of the documentation has a good bit of explanatory material by ICPSR. |
Documentation | HEGIS, 1976-1977: College and University Libraries | cb2116.pdf Record layout rl2116.excel.gz |
2,091 KB 282 KB |
Documentation | HEGIS, 1970-1971 through 1971-1972: College and University Libraries | cb2113.pdf Record layout rl2113.xls |
3,361 KB 282 KB |
An important file, I bet. Seems to have documentation of the file layouts of data from each year from 1966-1986. I have not seen this range of years for this survey mentioned anywhere else. |
Type of file | Year | File type | File name | File size | Notes |
Survey | FY 2022-23 | IPEDS Academic Libraries 2023 Survey Materials.pdf | 136.6 KB | 12 pages | |
Survey | FY 2012 | ACQuestionnaire_FY12.pdf | 242 KB | 18 pages | |
Survey | FY 2010 | ACQuestionnaire_FY10.pdf | 253 KB | 22 pages | |
Survey | FY 2008 | ACQuestionnaire_FY08.pdf | 253 KB | 16 pages | |
Survey | FY 2006 | ACQuestionnaire_FY06-1.pdf | 148 KB | 16 pages | |
Survey | FY 2004 | ACQuestionnaire_FY04-1.pdf | 148 KB | 18 pages | |
Survey | FY 2002 | ACQuestionnaire_FY02-1.pdf | 55 KB | 18 pages | |
Survey | FY 2000 | ACQuestionnaire_FY00-1.pdf | 310 KB | 17 pages |
Type of file | Year | File type | File name | File size | Notes |
First Look | Academic Libraries: 2012 Supplemental ALS 2012 Tables |
2014038.pdf 2014038_supp.pdf |
3.7 MB 354 KB |
NCES 2014-338 | |
Report and Request for Comments | Report from IPEDS Technical Review Panel #35 | Reintegrating the Academic Libraries Survey into IPEDS | 130.7 KB | 16 pages | |
First Look | Academic Libraries: 2010 Supplemental ALS 2010 Tables |
FLALS2010.pdf FLALS2010_1.pdf |
3.6 MB 530 KB |
NCES 2012-365 NCES 2010-365_1 |
First Look | Academic Libraries: 2008 Supplemental ALS 2008 Tables |
FLALS2008.pdf FLALS2008_1.pdf |
415 KB 265 KB |
NCES 2010-348 NCES 2010-348_1 |
First Look | Academic Libraries: 2006 | FLALS2006.pdf | 1,115 KB | NCES 2008-337 | |
First Look | Academic Libraries: 2004 Supplemental ALS 2002 Tables Supplemental ALS 2004 Tables |
FLALS2004.pdf FLALS2004_1.pdf FLALS2004_2.pdf |
505 KB 182 KB 119 KB |
NCES 2007-301 NCES 2007-301_1–issued with 2004 publication NCES 2007-301_2 |
Supplemental E.D. Tab | Supplementation ALS 2002 Tables to NCES 2007-301 (published with 2004 data and also listed above) |
FLALS2004_1.pdf | 182 KB | NCES 2007-301_s1 | |
E.D. Tab | Academic Libraries: 2000 | EDTabALS2000.pdf | 592 KB | NCES 2004-317 | |
E.D. Tab | Academic Libraries: 1998 | EDTabALS1998.pdf | 337 KB | NCES 2001-341 | |
E.D. Tab | Academic Libraries: 1996 | EDTabALS1996.pdf | 266 KB | NCES 200036 | |
Survey Report | The Status of Academic Libraries in the United States: Results from the 1996 Academic Libraries Survey with Historical Comparisons. |
NCES2001301.pdf | 407 KB | May 2001 NCES 2001-301 |
Technical Report | Coverage Evaluation of the Academic Libraries Survey. | NCES1999330.pdf | 2,206 KB | September 1999 NCES 1999-330 |
Survey Report | The Status of Academic Libraries in the United States: Results from the 1994 Academic Libraries Survey with Historical Comparisons. |
NCES98311.pdf | 1,991 KB | September 1998 NCES 98-311 |
E.D. Tab | Academic Libraries: 1994 | EDTabALS1994.pdf | 564 KB | NCES 98-275 | |
Statistical Analysis Report | Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions | NCES98062.pdf | 234 KB | October 1997 NCES 98-062 |
Descriptive Report | The Status of Academic Libraries in the United States: Results from the 1990 and 1992 Academic Libraries Surveys |
NCES97413.pdf | 145 KB | June 1997 NCES 97-413 |
E.D. Tab | Academic Libraries: 1992 | EDTabALS1992.pdf | 261 KB | NCES 95-031 | |
E.D. Tab | Academic Libraries: 1990 | EDTabALS1990.pdf | 1,917 KB | NCES 93-044 | |
E.D. Tab | Academic Libraries: 1988 | Not Available | NCES 90-374 |