Type of file | Year | File type | File name | File size | Notes |
Research Brief | June 2024 | pls_fy22_research_brief.pdf | 89.5 KB | Nielsen, E. & Pelczar, M. (2024). Methodological Improvements to the Public Libraries
Survey. Washington, DC: Institute of Museum and Library Services. IMLS, 3 pages. |
Research Brief | April 2024 | pls_fy21_research brief.pdf | 130 KB | Changes in Public Library Services as the COVID-19 Pandemic Continued through FY 2021 IMLS, 7 pages. |
Final Research Report | September 2023 | research-motivation-literacy-reading-development-report.pdf | 2.2 MB | Research on Motivation, Literacy, and Reading Development: A Review of Best Practices IMLS, 41 pages. | |
Research Brief | May 2023 | pls_fy20_research-brief.pdf | 154 KB | Access to Public Library Services and Materials During the First Nine Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic IMLS, 6 pages. |
Research Brief | May 2022 | research-brief-slaa-covid19.pdf | 1.2 MB | State Library Administrative Agency Adaptations in the Initial Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Ongoing Trends IMLS, 27 pages. |
Infographic | no date | fy20-pls-infographic.pdf | 1.3 MB | How Public Libraries Adapted to Serve Their Communities at the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on 2,616 public libraries reporting July 2019-June 2020 2 pages. | |
Research Brief | 2021 | imls_slaa_functions_roles_brief | 1.7 MB | Functions and Roles of State Libraries: 2000 and 2020 Focuses on FY 2000 and FY 2020 data 34 pages |
Research and Case Studies | 2021 | swi-report.pdf | 11.1 MB | Understanding the Social Wellbeing Impacts of the Nation's Libraries and Museums [109 pages] See next entry below for the Accessible pdf |
Research and Case Studies | 2021 | swi-report.pdf | 7 MB | Understanding the Social Wellbeing Impacts of the Nation's Libraries and Museums [108 pages] See the entry above for the base copy of the report |
Research Publications | 2021 | New Research Underscores Role Museums, Libraries Play to Create Healthier, More Equitable America | 199 KB | New Research Underscores Role Museums, Libraries Play to Create Healthier, More Equitable America 3 pages. Original is an HTML page which I have converted to PDF. |
Research Brief | January 2021 | pls_fy18_research_brief.pdf | 350.6 KB | The Use and Cost of Public Library Materials: Trends Before the COVID-19 Pandemic Focuses on FY 2014 and FY 2018 data |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2019 | .xlsx | fy2019_pls_tables_list.xlsx | 85.8 KB | This is the list of Summary Tables for FY 2019. State Rankings are in Tables 29-43 |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2019 | .xlsx | fy2019_pls_tables_1_thru_6a.xlsx | 85.8 KB | [Supplementary Tables 1 through 6a] |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2019 | .xlsx | fy2019_pls_tables_7_thru_13a.xlsx | 127.4 KB | [Supplementary Tables 7 through 13a] |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2019 | .xlsx | fy2019_pls_tables_14_thru_25a.xlsx | 476.9 KB | [Supplementary Tables 14 through 25a] |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2019 | .xlsx | fy2019_pls_tables_26_thru_27a.xlsx | 37.0 KB | [Supplementary Tables 26 through 27a] |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2019 | .xlsx | fy2019_pls_tables_28_28a.xlsx | 33.2 KB | [Supplementary Tables 28 through 28a] |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2019 | .xlsx | fy2019_pls_tables_29_thru_43.xlsx | 108.7 KB | [Supplementary Tables 29 through 43] These are the State Ranking tables |
Press Release | FY 2019 | FY2016_Press_Release_In_one_year_people_visted _public_libraries_more_than_a_billion_times.png |
347.3 KB | In One Year, People Visited Public Libraries More Than a Billion Times 1 page “visted” is misspelled in the original filename. |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2019 | fy19-pls-results.pdf | 461.6.KB | Characteristics of Public Libraries in the United States: Results from the FY 2019 Public Libraries Survey: Supplementary Tables 14 pages Includes State Ranking tables August 2021 |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2018 | .xlsx zipped | pls_fy2018_supplementary_tables_excel.zip | 606.8 KB | This file includes 43 spreadsheets |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2018 | .xlsx | 2018_6_FY2018_PLS_Tables_29_thru_43.xlsx | 96 KB | [Tables 29-43: State Rankings on Key Variable] 16 spreadsheets in the document Tables 29-43: State Rankings on Key Variables |
Press Release | FY 2017 | FY2017_Press_Release_Over_118 _million_people_attended_programs_annually.png |
421.4.KB | Over 118 Million People Attended Library Programs Annually 1 page November 30, 2020 |
Summary Report volume 1 | FY 2017 | publiclibrariesintheunitedstatessurveyfiscalyear2017volume1.pdf. | 7 MB | Public Libraries in the United States Survey: Fiscal Year 2017, Volume I Release date: June 2020 |
Summary Report volume 2 | FY 2017 | plsfy17volume2.pdf | 1.3MB | Public Libraries in the United States Survey: Fiscal Year 2017, Volume II Release date: October 2020 |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2017 | fy2017_pls_tables.pdf | 3 MB |
Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2017, Supplementary Tables 103 pages June 2019 |
Rural Libraries in America | FY 2017 | rurallibrariesinamericainfographicoverview.pdf | 331KB | Rural Libraries in America: An Infographic Overview 2 pages n.d. |
Rural Libraries in America | FY 2017 | rural_libraries_in_america_state_detail_tables_20200915.pdf | 85KB | State Detail Tables: Rural Libraries in America 15 pages This publication and the one immediately below have the same title and, it appears, the same information. This one is in PDF format and the one below is in an .xlsx format September 2020 |
Rural Libraries in America | FY 2017 | .xlsx | rural_libraries_in_america_state_detail_tables_worksheet_20200915.xlsx | 68 bytes | State Detail Tables: Rural Libraries in America This publication and the one immediately above have the same title and, it appears, the same information. This one is in .xlsx format and the one above is in an PDF format 8 Tables “Effective date 09/15/2020” |
Summary Report | FY 2016 | public-libraries-united-states-survey-fiscal-year-2016.pdf | 3B | Public Libraries in the United States Survey, Fiscal Year 2016 Release date: May 2019 |
State by State Profiles | FY 2016 | pls_fy2016_sp_all.pdf | 3.7MB | PLS State Profiles, Fiscal Year 2016 52 pages |
State by State Profiles spreadsheet | FY 2016 | .csv | Public_Libraries_Survey_2016__State_Profiles.csv | 31KB | 1 spreadsheet |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2016 | fy2016_pls_tables.pdf | 5MB | Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2016, Supplementary Tables pages 1-128 These are the CORRECTED tables. See USER NOTES below “UPDATED:” December 2018 |
Supplementary Tables User Note 1 | FY 2016 | fy2016_pls_tables_note.pdf | 41KB | USER NOTE: FY 2016 Public Libraries Survey Tables 1 page. Reports errors in two Supplementary Tables [Tables 33 and 33a] and that new, corrected tables were published in August 2018. |
Supplementary Tables User Note 2 | FY 2016 | fy2016_pls_tables_note2.pdf | 41KB | USER NOTE: FY 2016 Public Libraries Survey Tables 1 page. Reports errors in 9 Supplementary Tables in the August 2018 publication [Tables 11, 11a, 16, 16a, 18, 42, 46, 47]. A newer, corrected set of tables was published in December 2018. |
Summary Report | FY 2015 | plsfy2015.pdf | 8.2MB | Public Libraries in the United States Survey, Fiscal Year 2015 Release date: July 2018 |
State by State Profiles | FY 2015 | plsfy2015-state-profiles.pdf | 6.5MB | [State Profiles, Fiscal Year 2015] 52 pages |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2015 | fy2015_pls_tables_updated.pdf | 4.5MB | Supplementary Tables, Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2015 [UPDATED]
pages 1-128 Release date: August 2018 These are the CORRECTED tables. See the USER NOTES below for more information below. The version with the errors was published in September 2017 and corrected with this August 2018 update. |
Supplementary Tables User Note | FY 2015 | fy2015_pls_tables_note.pdf | 54KB | USER NOTE: FY 2015 Public Libraries Survey Table 2 pages. Reports errors and announces the republication of the tables for FY 2015. |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2015 | fy2015_pls_tables.pdf | 4.5MB | Supplementary Tables, Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2015 pages 1-128 Release date: September 2017 These are the UNCORRECTED tables. See the USER NOTE above and the updated version published August 2018 |
Summary Report | FY 2014 | plsfy2014.pdf | 1.7MB | Public Libraries in the United States Survey, Fiscal Year 2014 Release date: August 2017 |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2014 | fy2014_pls_tables.pdf | 1.9MB | Supplementary Tables, Public Libraries Survey, FY 2014 pages 1-124 Includes State Ranking Tables Release date: July 2016 |
Summary Report | FY 2013 | plsfy2013.pdf | 1.4MB | Public Libraries in the United States Survey, Fiscal Year 2013 Release date: March 2016 |
Supplementary Tables, 1-35 | FY 2013 | fy2013_pls_tables_1_thru_35_and_staterank.pdf | 1.9MB | Supplementary Tables, Public Libraries Survey, FY 2013 pages 1-122. Includes State Ranking Tables. |
Summary Report | FY 2012 | PLS_FY2012.pdf | 14.3MB | Public Libraries in the United States Survey, Fiscal Year 2012 Release date: December 2014 |
State by State Profiles | FY 2012 | pls_fy2012_sp_all.pdf | 16MB | [State Profiles, Fiscal Year 2012] 51 pages |
Supplementary Tables, 1-7a | FY 2012 | fy2012_pls_tables_1_thru_7a.pdf | 750KB | [Number and Percentage of Libraries by Select Characteristics] pages [1-24] |
Supplementary Tables, 8-18a | FY 2012 | fy2012_pls_tables_8_thru_18a.pdf | 497MB | pages [25-51] | |
Supplementary Tables, 19-20a_3 | FY 2012 | fy2012_pls_tables_19_thru_20a_3.pdf | 1.4MB | pages 52-57 | |
Supplementary Tables, 21-29a | FY 2012 | fy2012_pls_tables_21_thru_29a.pdf | 640KB | pages 58-84 Note: this file has only Tables 21-29A. The downloaded file’s name indicated it had contained through Table 31. The file name here was changed to indicate the contents. Downloaded March 22, 2018. |
Supplementary Tables, 32-35 | FY 2012 | fy2012_pls_tables_32_thru_35.pdf | 553KB | pages 85-98 | |
Supplementary Tables, 36-47 | FY 2012 | fy2012_pls_tables_36_thru_47.pdf | 550KB | pages 99-110 Includes State Ranking Tables. |
Summary Report | FY 2011 | PLS2011.pdf | 11.5MB | Public Libraries in the United States Survey, Fiscal Year 2011 Release date: June 2014 |
Talking Points | June 2014 | stem.pdf | 436 KB | Talking Points: Libraries and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) 2 pages |
State by State Profiles | FY 2011 | pls_fy2011_sp_all_1.pdf | 15.9MB | 51 pages | |
Supplementary Tables, 1-7a | FY 2011 | fy2011_pls_tables_1-7a.pdf | 616KB | pages 1-24 | |
Supplementary Tables, 8-17a | FY 2011 | fy2011_pls_tables_8-17a.pdf | 926MB | pages 24-54 | |
Supplementary Tables, 18-19A | FY 2011 | fy2011_pls_tables_18-19a.pdf | 948KB | pages 55-60 | |
Supplementary Tables, 20-30A | FY 2011 | fy2011_pls_tables_20-30a.pdf | 2.3MB | pages 61-93 | |
Supplementary Tables, 31-34 | FY 2011 | fy2011_pls_tables_31-34.pdf | 1.1MB | pages 94-107 | |
Supplementary Tables, 35-46 | FY 2011 | fy2011_pls_tables_35-46.pdf | 1.1MB | pages 108-119 Includes State Ranking Tables. |
Summary Report | FY 2010 | pls2010.pdf | 3.8MB | Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2010 Release date: January 2013 |
State by State Profiles | FY 2010 | PLS_FY2010_SP_ALL.pdf | 1.3MB | 51 pages | |
Supplementary Tables, 1-7a | FY 2010 | fy2010_pls_tables_1-7a.pdf | 1.3MB | pages 1-24 | |
Supplementary Tables, 8-16a | FY 2010 | /fy2010_pls_tables_8-16a.pdf | 1.5MB | pages 24-51 | |
Supplementary Tables, 17-18A | FY 2010 | fy2010_pls_tables_17-18a.pdf | 463KB | pages 52-57 | |
Supplementary Tables, 19-29A | FY 2010 | fy2010_pls_tables_19-29a.pdf | 1.7MB | pages 58-90 | |
Supplementary Tables, 30-33 | FY 2010 | fy2010_pls_tables_30-33.pdf | 832KB | pages 91-104 | |
Supplementary Tables, 34-46 | FY 2010 | fy2010_pls_tables_34-46.pdf | 705KB | pages 105-117 Includes State Ranking Tables |
Summary Report | FY 2009 | PLS2009.pdf | 3.9MB | Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2009 Release date: October 2011. |
User Note | FY 2008 | fy2008_pls_report_usernote.pdf | .7.8KB | USER NOTE PUBLIC LIBRARIES SURVEY REPORT For Fiscal Year 2007 There are were errors in Kansas that have been corrected but may affect imputed values and response rates. |
Summary Report | FY 2008 | PLS2008.pdf | 1.8MB | Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2008 Release date: June 2010. Revised: January 2011. |
User Note | FY 2007 | fy2007_pls_report_usernote.pdf | 19.5KB | USER NOTE PUBLIC LIBRARIES SURVEY REPORT For Fiscal Year 2007 There are were errors in some Ohio revenue categories that have been corrected. Tables affected are listed and two corrected statewide totals are reported.. |
Summary Report | FY 2007 | PLS2007.pdf | 1.8MB | Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2007 Release date: June 2009. Revised: September 2010. |
Summary Report | FY 2006 | PLS2006.pdf | 1.6MB | Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2006. December 2008 | |
First Look | FY 2005 | EDTabPLS2005.pdf | 440KB | Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2006. December 2008 NCES 2008-301 E.D. Tab (or similar) does not appear in the text but only in the file name. |
Supplementary Tables | FY 2005 | EDTabPLS2005_s.pdf | 622KB | Supplemental Tables to NCES 2008-301 | |
E.D. TAB | FY 2004 | EDTabPLS2004.pdf | 1,055 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2004. [August 2006] NCES 2006-349 | |
E.D. TAB | FY 2003 | EDTabPLS2003.pdf | 1,066 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2003. [September 2005] NCES 2005-363 | |
E.D. TAB | FY 2002 | EDTabPLS2002-1.pdf | 1,075 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2002. March 2005 NCES 2005-356; |
E.D. TABS | FY 2001 | EDTabPLS2001.pdf | 507 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001. [June 2003] NCES 2003-399 | |
E.D. TABS | FY 2000 | EDTabPLS2000.pdf | 447 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2000. July 2002 NCES 2002-344 |
E.D. TABS | FY 1999 | EDTabPLS1999.pdf | 437 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 1999. February 2002 NCES 2002-308 |
E.D. TABS | FY 1998 | EDTabPLS1998.pdf | 431 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 1998. July 2001 NCES 2001-307 |
E.D. TABS | FY 1997 | EDTabPLS1997.pdf | 610 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: FY 1997. June 2000 NCES 2000-316 |
E.D. TABS | FY 1996 | EDTabPLS1996.pdf | 1,125 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: FY 1996. February 1999 NCES 99-306 |
E.D. TABS | FY 1995 | EDTabPLS1995.pdf | 968 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: FY 1995. April 1998 NCES 98-301 |
E.D. TABS | FY 1994 | pls1994.pdf | 548 KB | Public Libraries in the United States: 1994. February 1997 NCES 97-418 |
(state rank order tables for FY 1994) | FY 1994 | NCLIS%201994%20public%20library%20state%20rankings.pdf | 1,467 KB | No title page. Handwritten note on first page: “Final / NCLIS Mailout / 4-17-97 (received in mail) / (second copy)” Provenance is not clear but the typeface resembles that in NCES publications. The state rank order tables did not appear in the FY 1994 E.D. TABS (above) but began appearing in FY 1995 and after. Includes 1994 public library state rankings |
E.D. TABS | FY 1993 | pls1993.pdf | 6.5 MB | Public Libraries in the United States: 1993. September 1995 NCES 95-129 |
Letter to FSCS State Data Coordinators and Steering Committee about errors in the state rank order tables for FY 1993. | FY 1993 | 1993%20letter%20about%20PLS%20error.pdf | 64 KB | July 8, 1993 letter about state ranking tables mailed in April. There are errors) This document is two pages. Page one is a handwritten note, dated “2/7/2000” requesting a copy if this letter is to be scanned. I infer Elaine Kroe wrote this note. She is mentioned in the letter. I do not know how this affects any 1993 rank data at this writing. |
(state rank order tables for FY 1993) | FY 1993 | 1993 PLS state rankings.pdf | 6,077 KB | First page of this pdf file is a fax transmittal sheet dated “6-25-97” to Keith Lance from Elaine Kroe. The state rank order tables were now published in the E.D. Tabs but did not appear there before the FY 1995 report. | |
E.D. TABS | FY 1992 | pls1992.pdf | 5 MB | Public Libraries in the United States: 1992. August 1994 NCES 94-030 117 pages |
E.D. TABS | FY 1991 | pls1991.pdf | 1.3 MB | Public Libraries in the United States: 1991. April 1993 NCES 93-297 ED 357 769 218 pages |
(state rank order tables for 1991 AND 1992) | 1991 | 1991 public library state rankings.pdf | 2,441 KB | State Rankings of Selected Public Library Data, 1991 and Public Libraries in the United States, 1992: Number of Public Libraries, Population of Legal Service Aream and State Rankings of Selected Data The state rank order tables were later published in the E.D. Tabs but did not appear there before the FY 1995 report. They now appear in the Summary Tables. I recollect that the data for 1991 are not comparable to those for 1992 or later but I expect to have this question narrowed down in a bit from my current project with this series. |
E.D. TABS | FY 1990 | pls1990.pdf | 3.8 MB | Public Libraries in the United States: 1990. June 1992 NCES 93-297 ED 346 877 121 pages |
E.D. TABS | FY 1989 | pls1989.pdf | 3.2 MB | Public Libraries in 50 States and the District of Columbia: 1989. April 1991 NCES 91-343 ED 333 900 132 pages |
OERI Historical Report | 1982 | 1982 PLS.pdf | 223 KB | Statistics of Public Libraries, 1982 Four page summary statistics. Published in 1986 8,597 public libraries in 1982 |
Statistics of Public Libraries, 1977-1978 | 1977-1978 | Public library 1977-78.pdf | 6,930 KB | Equivalent to a current Public Libraries in the United States summary report 8,456 public libraries in 1978 |
Library Statistics | 1961 | The_Cost_of_Library_Materials.pdf | 1.2MB | OE-15029 20 pages. With a bibliography of LSB publications Via Google Books | |
Library Statistics | 1960 | Statistics_of_Public_Library_Systems_Serving_gt_100K.pdf | 3.3 MB | OE-15033, November, 1961 Via Google Books |
Library Statistics | 1960 | Statistics_of_Public_Library_Systems_Serving_50K_to_99K.pdf | 1.9 MB | OE-15034, March, 1962 24 pages. With a bibliography of LSB publications Via Google Books |
Title | Date | File size | Notes |
Library Statistics Cooperative Program | 1999 | 346.1 KB | 8 pages. A succinct description of the Program. Nicely done |
Report on the Library and Information Services Policy Forum on Impact of Information Technology and Special Programming on Library Services to Special Populations | May 20-21, 1996 | 4.2 MB | 74 pages |
Proceedings of the Library and Information Services Policy Forum; Changes in Library and Information Services: 1996-2001 | May 15-16, 1995 | 6.MB | Funded by NCES and Co-sponsored by the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 116 pages |
NCLIS meeting on Library infrastructure.pdf | May 16-17, 1994 | 110.MB | Libraries and the National Information Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 1994 Library and Information Services Policy 141 pages |
Coverage of Public Libraries | December 1993 | 6.2 MB | Report Prepared for The National Center for Education Statistics by the Governments Division, Bureau of the Census 149 pages NCES 94-430 |
Library and Information Services Policy: A Forum Report | September 23-24, 1993 | 6.1 MB | Sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 113 pages |
An Action Plan for a Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data | April 1989 | 2.9M B | Supported by the U.S. Nation Commission on Libraries and Information Science and the National Center for Education Statistics 70 pages |
Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data: Public Libraries in Forty-Four States and the District of Columbia: 1988 | November 1989 | 3.3 MB | An NCES Working Paper by Arthur Podolsky 106 pages |
Analysis of Library Data Collection and Development of Plans for the Future, Final Report to the National Center for Education Statistics | November 15, 1984 | 6.5 MB | by Mary Jo Lynch 153 pages |
Library Human Resources: A Study of Supply and Demand | 1983 | 10 MB | A report prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics and the Office of Libraries and Learning Technology by King Research, Inc Issued by the American Library Association 243 pages Note the entry immediately below. It appears to be an earlier version of this final report. |
Library Human Resources.pdf | May 1983 | 11.5 MB | Contractor Report: Library Human Resources;A Study of Supply and Demand “Prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics under contract 300-80-0704 with the U.S. Department of Education.” 229 pages See the entry above. It appears to be a later version of this report. |